* Aja.js
* Ajax without XML : Asynchronous Javascript and JavaScript/JSON(P)
* @author Bertrand Chevrier <chevrier.bertrand@gmail.com>
* @license MIT
'use strict';
* supported request types.
* TODO support new types : 'style', 'file'?
var types = ['html', 'json', 'jsonp', 'script'];
* supported http methods
var methods = [
* API entry point.
* It creates an new {@link Aja} object.
* @example aja().url('page.html').into('#selector').go();
* @exports aja
* @namespace aja
* @returns {Aja} the {@link Aja} object ready to create your request.
var aja = function aja(){
//contains all the values from the setter for this context.
var data = {};
//contains the bound events.
var events = {};
* The Aja object is your context, it provides your getter/setter
* as well as methods the fluent way.
* @typedef {Object} Aja
* @type {Aja}
* @lends aja
var Aja = {
* URL getter/setter: where your request goes.
* All URL formats are supported: <pre>[protocol:][//][user[:passwd]@][host.tld]/path[?query][#hash]</pre>.
* @example aja().url('bestlib?pattern=aja');
* @throws TypeError
* @param {String} [url] - the url to set
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the URL
url : function(url){
return _chain.call(this, 'url', url, validators.string);
* Is the request synchronous (async by default) ?
* @example aja().sync(true);
* @param {Boolean|*} [sync] - true means sync (other types than booleans are casted)
* @returns {Aja|Boolean} chains or get the sync value
sync : function(sync){
return _chain.call(this, 'sync', sync, validators.bool);
* Should we force to disable browser caching (true by default) ?
* By setting this to false, then a buster will be added to the requests.
* @example aja().cache(false);
* @param {Boolean|*} [cache] - false means no cache (other types than booleans are casted)
* @returns {Aja|Boolean} chains or get cache value
cache : function(cache){
return _chain.call(this, 'cache', cache, validators.bool);
* Type getter/setter: one of the predefined request type.
* The supported types are : <pre>['html', 'json', 'jsonp', 'script', 'style']</pre>.
* If not set, the default type is deduced regarding the context, but goes to json otherwise.
* @example aja().type('json');
* @throws TypeError if an unknown type is set
* @param {String} [type] - the type to set
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the type
type : function(type){
return _chain.call(this, 'type', type, validators.type);
* HTTP Request Header getter/setter.
* @example aja().header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
* @throws TypeError
* @param {String} name - the name of the header to get/set
* @param {String} [value] - the value of the header to set
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the header from the given name
header : function(name, value){
data.headers = data.headers || {};
if(typeof value !== 'undefined'){
data.headers[name] = value;
return this;
return data.headers[name];
* <strong>Setter only</strong> to add authentication credentials to the request.
* @throws TypeError
* @param {String} user - the user name
* @param {String} passwd - the password value
* @returns {Aja} chains
auth : function(user, passwd){
//setter only
data.auth = {
user : user,
passwd : passwd
return this;
* Sets a timeout (expressed in ms) after which it will halt the request and the 'timeout' event will be fired.
* @example aja().timeout(1000); // Terminate the request and fire the 'timeout' event after 1s
* @throws TypeError
* @param {Number} [ms] - timeout in ms to set. It has to be an integer > 0.
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the params
timeout : function(ms){
return _chain.call(this, 'timeout', ms, validators.positiveInteger);
* HTTP method getter/setter.
* @example aja().method('post');
* @throws TypeError if an unknown method is set
* @param {String} [method] - the method to set
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the method
method : function(method){
return _chain.call(this, 'method', method, validators.method);
* URL's queryString getter/setter. The parameters are ALWAYS appended to the URL.
* @example aja().queryString({ user : '12' }); // ?user=12
* @throws TypeError
* @param {Object|String} [params] - key/values POJO or URL queryString directly to set
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the params
queryString : function(params){
return _chain.call(this, 'queryString', params, validators.queryString);
* URL's queryString getter/setter.
* Regarding the HTTP method the data goes to the queryString or the body.
* @example aja().data({ user : '12' });
* @throws TypeError
* @param {Object} [params] - key/values POJO to set
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the params
data : function(params){
return _chain.call(this, 'data', params, validators.plainObject);
* Request Body getter/setter.
* Objects and arrays are stringified (except FormData instances)
* @example aja().body(new FormData());
* @throws TypeError
* @param {String|Object|Array|Boolean|Number|FormData} [content] - the content value to set
* @returns {Aja|String|FormData} chains or get the body content
body : function(content){
return _chain.call(this, 'body', content, null, function(content){
if(typeof content === 'object'){
//support FormData to be sent direclty
if( !(content instanceof FormData)){
//otherwise encode the object/array to a string
try {
content = JSON.stringify(content);
} catch(e){
throw new TypeError('Unable to stringify body\'s content : ' + e.name);
this.header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
} else {
content = content + ''; //cast
return content;
* Into selector getter/setter. When you want an Element to contain the response.
* @example aja().into('div > .container');
* @throws TypeError
* @param {String|HTMLElement} [selector] - the dom query selector or directly the Element
* @returns {Aja|Array} chains or get the list of found elements
into : function(selector){
return _chain.call(this, 'into', selector, validators.selector, function(selector){
if(typeof selector === 'string'){
return document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if(selector instanceof HTMLElement){
return [selector];
* Padding name getter/setter, ie. the callback's PARAMETER name in your JSONP query.
* @example aja().jsonPaddingName('callback');
* @throws TypeError
* @param {String} [paramName] - a valid parameter name
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the parameter name
jsonPaddingName : function(paramName){
return _chain.call(this, 'jsonPaddingName', paramName, validators.string);
* Padding value getter/setter, ie. the callback's name in your JSONP query.
* @example aja().jsonPadding('someFunction');
* @throws TypeError
* @param {String} [padding] - a valid function name
* @returns {Aja|String} chains or get the padding name
jsonPadding : function(padding){
return _chain.call(this, 'jsonPadding', padding, validators.func);
* Attach an handler to an event.
* Calling `on` with the same eventName multiple times add callbacks: they
* will all be executed.
* @example aja().on('success', function(res){ console.log('Cool', res); });
* @param {String} name - the name of the event to listen
* @param {Function} cb - the callback to run once the event is triggered
* @returns {Aja} chains
on : function(name, cb){
if(typeof cb === 'function'){
events[name] = events[name] || [];
return this;
* Remove ALL handlers for an event.
* @example aja().off('success');
* @param {String} name - the name of the event
* @returns {Aja} chains
off : function(name){
events[name] = [];
return this;
* Trigger an event.
* This method will be called hardly ever outside Aja itself,
* but there is edge cases where it can be useful.
* @example aja().trigger('error', new Error('Emergency alert'));
* @param {String} name - the name of the event to trigger
* @param {*} data - arguments given to the handlers
* @returns {Aja} chains
trigger : function(name, data){
var self = this;
var eventCalls = function eventCalls(name, data){
if(events[name] instanceof Array){
event.call(self, data);
if(typeof name !== 'undefined'){
name = name + '';
var statusPattern = /^([0-9])([0-9x])([0-9x])$/i;
var triggerStatus = name.match(statusPattern);
//HTTP status pattern
if(triggerStatus && triggerStatus.length > 3){
var listenerStatus = eventName.match(statusPattern);
if(listenerStatus && listenerStatus.length > 3 && //an listener on status
triggerStatus[1] === listenerStatus[1] && //hundreds match exactly
(listenerStatus[2] === 'x' || triggerStatus[2] === listenerStatus[2]) && //tens matches
(listenerStatus[3] === 'x' || triggerStatus[3] === listenerStatus[3])){ //ones matches
eventCalls(eventName, data);
//or exact matching
} else if(events[name]){
eventCalls(name, data);
return this;
* Trigger the call.
* This is the end of your chain loop.
* @example aja()
* .url('data.json')
* .on('200', function(res){
* //Yeah !
* })
* .go();
go : function(){
var type = data.type || (data.into ? 'html' : 'json');
var url = _buildQuery();
//delegates to ajaGo
if(typeof ajaGo[type] === 'function'){
return ajaGo[type].call(this, url);
* Contains the different communication methods.
* Used as provider by {@link Aja.go}
* @type {Object}
* @private
* @memberof aja
var ajaGo = {
* XHR call to url to retrieve JSON
* @param {String} url - the url
json : function(url){
var self = this;
ajaGo._xhr.call(this, url, function processRes(res){
try {
res = JSON.parse(res);
} catch(e){
self.trigger('error', e);
return null;
return res;
* XHR call to url to retrieve HTML and add it to a container if set.
* @param {String} url - the url
html : function(url){
ajaGo._xhr.call(this, url, function processRes(res){
if(data.into && data.into.length){
[].forEach.call(data.into, function(elt){
elt.innerHTML = res;
return res;
* Create and send an XHR query.
* @param {String} url - the url
* @param {Function} processRes - to modify / process the response before sent to events.
_xhr : function(url, processRes){
var self = this;
var key, header;
var method = data.method || 'get';
var async = data.sync !== true;
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
var _data = data.data;
var body = data.body;
var headers = data.headers || {};
var contentType = this.header('Content-Type');
var timeout = data.timeout;
var timeoutId;
var isUrlEncoded;
var openParams;
//guess content type
if(!contentType && _data && _dataInBody()){
this.header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8');
contentType = this.header('Content-Type');
//if data is used in body, it needs some modifications regarding the content type
if(_data && _dataInBody()){
if(typeof body !== 'string'){
body = '';
if(contentType.indexOf('json') > -1){
try {
body = JSON.stringify(_data);
} catch(e){
throw new TypeError('Unable to stringify body\'s content : ' + e.name);
} else {
isUrlEncoded = contentType && contentType.indexOf('x-www-form-urlencoded') > 1;
for(key in _data){
body += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(_data[key]) + '&';
} else {
body += key + '=' + _data[key] + '\n\r';
//open the XHR request
openParams = [method, url, async];
request.open.apply(request, openParams);
//set the headers
for(header in data.headers){
request.setRequestHeader(header, data.headers[header]);
//bind events
request.onprogress = function(e){
if (e.lengthComputable) {
self.trigger('progress', e.loaded / e.total);
request.onload = function onRequestLoad(){
var response = request.responseText;
if (timeoutId) {
if(this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300){
if(typeof processRes === 'function'){
response = processRes(response);
self.trigger('success', response);
self.trigger(this.status, response);
self.trigger('end', response);
request.onerror = function onRequestError (err){
if (timeoutId) {
} else {
self.trigger('error', err, arguments);
//sets the timeout
if (timeout) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
self.trigger('timeout', {
type: 'timeout',
expiredAfter: timeout
}, request, arguments);
}, timeout);
//send the request
* @this {Aja} call bound to the Aja context
* @param {String} url - the url
jsonp : function(url){
var script;
var self = this;
var head = document.querySelector('head');
var async = data.sync !== true;
var jsonPaddingName = data.jsonPaddingName || 'callback';
var jsonPadding = data.jsonPadding || ('_padd' + new Date().getTime() + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000));
var paddingQuery = {};
throw new Error('Padding ' + jsonPadding + ' already exists. It must be unique.');
jsonPadding = 'ajajsonp_' + jsonPadding;
//window.ajajsonp = window.ajajsonp || {};
window[jsonPadding] = function padding (response){
self.trigger('success', response);
window[jsonPadding] = undefined;
paddingQuery[jsonPaddingName] = jsonPadding;
url = appendQueryString(url, paddingQuery);
script = document.createElement('script');
script.async = async;
script.src = url;
script.onerror = function(){
self.trigger('error', arguments);
window[jsonPadding] = undefined;
* Loads a script.
* This kind of ugly script loading is sometimes used by 3rd part libraries to load
* a configured script. For example, to embed google analytics or a twitter button.
* @this {Aja} call bound to the Aja context
* @param {String} url - the url
script : function(url){
var self = this;
var head = document.querySelector('head') || document.querySelector('body');
var async = data.sync !== true;
var script;
throw new Error('Ok, wait a second, you want to load a script, but you don\'t have at least a head or body tag...');
script = document.createElement('script');
script.async = async;
script.src = url;
script.onerror = function onScriptError(){
self.trigger('error', arguments);
script.onload = function onScriptLoad(){
self.trigger('success', arguments);
* Helps you to chain getter/setters.
* @private
* @memberof aja
* @this {Aja} bound to the current context
* @param {String} name - the property name
* @param {*} [value] - the property value if we are in a setter
* @param {Function} [validator] - to validate/transform the value if needed
* @param {Function} [update] - when there is more to do with the setter
* @returns {Aja|*} either the current context (setter) or the requested value (getter)
* @throws TypeError
var _chain = function _chain(name, value, validator, update){
if(typeof value !== 'undefined'){
if(typeof validator === 'function'){
value = validator.call(validators, value);
} catch(e){
throw new TypeError('Failed to set ' + name + ' : ' + e.message);
if(typeof update === 'function'){
data[name] = update.call(this, value);
} else {
data[name] = value;
return this;
return data[name] === 'undefined' ? null : data[name];
* Check whether the data must be set in the body instead of the queryString
* @private
* @memberof aja
* @returns {Boolean} true id data goes to the body
var _dataInBody = function _dataInBody(){
return ['delete', 'patch', 'post', 'put'].indexOf(data.method) > -1;
* Build the URL to run the request against.
* @private
* @memberof aja
* @returns {String} the URL
var _buildQuery = function _buildQuery(){
var url = data.url;
var cache = typeof data.cache !== 'undefined' ? !!data.cache : true;
var queryString = data.queryString || '';
var _data = data.data;
//add a cache buster
if(cache === false){
queryString += '&ajabuster=' + new Date().getTime();
url = appendQueryString(url, queryString);
if(_data && !_dataInBody()){
url = appendQueryString(url, _data);
return url;
//expose the Aja function
return Aja;
* Validation/reparation rules for Aja's getter/setter.
var validators = {
* cast to boolean
* @param {*} value
* @returns {Boolean} casted value
bool : function(value){
return !!value;
* Check whether the given parameter is a string
* @param {String} string
* @returns {String} value
* @throws {TypeError} for non strings
string : function(string){
if(typeof string !== 'string'){
throw new TypeError('a string is expected, but ' + string + ' [' + (typeof string) + '] given');
return string;
* Check whether the given parameter is a positive integer > 0
* @param {Number} integer
* @returns {Number} value
* @throws {TypeError} for non strings
positiveInteger : function(integer){
if(parseInt(integer) !== integer || integer <= 0){
throw new TypeError('an integer is expected, but ' + integer + ' [' + (typeof integer) + '] given');
return integer;
* Check whether the given parameter is a plain object (array and functions aren't accepted)
* @param {Object} object
* @returns {Object} object
* @throws {TypeError} for non object
plainObject : function(object){
if(typeof object !== 'object' || object.constructor !== Object){
throw new TypeError('an object is expected, but ' + object + ' [' + (typeof object) + '] given');
return object;
* Check whether the given parameter is a type supported by Aja.
* The list of supported types is set above, in the {@link types} variable.
* @param {String} type
* @returns {String} type
* @throws {TypeError} if the type isn't supported
type : function(type){
type = this.string(type);
if(types.indexOf(type.toLowerCase()) < 0){
throw new TypeError('a type in [' + types.join(', ') + '] is expected, but ' + type + ' given');
return type.toLowerCase();
* Check whether the given HTTP method is supported.
* The list of supported methods is set above, in the {@link methods} variable.
* @param {String} method
* @returns {String} method (but to lower case)
* @throws {TypeError} if the method isn't supported
method : function(method){
method = this.string(method);
if(methods.indexOf(method.toLowerCase()) < 0){
throw new TypeError('a method in [' + methods.join(', ') + '] is expected, but ' + method + ' given');
return method.toLowerCase();
* Check the queryString, and create an object if a string is given.
* @param {String|Object} params
* @returns {Object} key/value based queryString
* @throws {TypeError} if wrong params type or if the string isn't parseable
queryString : function(params){
var object = {};
if(typeof params === 'string'){
params.replace('?', '').split('&').forEach(function(kv){
var pair = kv.split('=');
if(pair.length === 2){
object[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
} else {
object = params;
return this.plainObject(object);
* Check if the parameter enables us to select a DOM Element.
* @param {String|HTMLElement} selector - CSS selector or the element ref
* @returns {String|HTMLElement} same as input if valid
* @throws {TypeError} check it's a string or an HTMLElement
selector : function(selector){
if(typeof selector !== 'string' && !(selector instanceof HTMLElement)){
throw new TypeError('a selector or an HTMLElement is expected, ' + selector + ' [' + (typeof selector) + '] given');
return selector;
* Check if the parameter is a valid JavaScript function name.
* @param {String} functionName
* @returns {String} same as input if valid
* @throws {TypeError} check it's a string and a valid name against the pattern inside.
func : function(functionName){
functionName = this.string(functionName);
throw new TypeError('a valid function name is expected, ' + functionName + ' [' + (typeof functionName) + '] given');
return functionName;
* Query string helper : append some parameters
* @private
* @param {String} url - the URL to append the parameters
* @param {Object} params - key/value
* @returns {String} the new URL
var appendQueryString = function appendQueryString(url, params){
var key;
url = url || '';
if(url.indexOf('?') === -1){
url += '?';
if(typeof params === 'string'){
url += params;
} else if (typeof params === 'object'){
for(key in params){
url += '&' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]);
return url;
//AMD, CommonJs, then globals
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], function(){
return aja;
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
module.exports = aja;
} else {
window.aja = window.aja || aja;